
Berliner Energietage

Courses of action for the market ramp-up

22 May 2023, 5:30 - 7:30pm
Followed by networking

During this year's Berliner Energietage we will present a look at the forthcoming H2-Compass online tool. The focus will be on options for action for the market ramp-up. We will then discuss key aspects with representatives from business, academia and civil society.


Welcome and introduction:
Jasper Eitze, acatech

Insights into the H2-Compass:
Dr. Andrea Lübcke, acatech
Dr. Jens Artz, DECHEMA

Followed by Q&A

Panel discussion on key aspects of the hydrogen ramp-up with:
Daniela Jansen, Political Secretary, IG Metall Executive Board
Dr. Wiebke Lüke, Founder and Managing Director, WEW GmbH
Dr. Rainer Quitzow, Research Group Leader, ‘Geopolitics of Transitions in Energy and Industry’, Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS Potsdam), Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
Dr. Geert Tjarks, Head of Business Area Development Large-scale Storage and Hydrogen Business Area, EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH

Concluding remarks:
Jasper Eitze



Registration for the event (held in German) is possible via Berliner Energietage.


Information on the H2-Compass project

The German government aims to promote a rapid market ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. To build the foundations for an accompanying roadmap, the joint acatech-DECHEMA H2-Compass project will put forward options for action from a research, development and innovation policy perspective.



H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.